Sunday, 30 June 2013


Tonight I'll be performing with Kevin Head, Craig Jones and Douglas Gravelle at Gan's Ribfest
at 8pm.  Come and listen to Let's Dance, Whiter Shade of Pale, and originals by K Head and myself,
Yes, I did say, myself.  Thanks to Jean Cutcliffe for PS'ing the curtain in the BG of this pic.

After the show,  I will quickly move to Hill Island Lodge for a 10PM show!  All welcome!

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

At the moment I have 14 Twitter followers. (as opposed to JB's 3 million)
I would be most pleased if you'd decide to follow me, as I really think it's the easiest way to get really current information 'out there'.   @timmyhallman

Also on Facebook. Please be my friend....please....  and twitter

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

remember Festival of the Islands?

.....taken from Cogeco recording circa 2008

Spare Change at the Festival

Tim singing 'DANIEL'

Doug singing 'OH LONESOME ME'

Dan Kas on guitar...