Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Tim on Bandcamp

     Hello out there!  I'm still alive!
     I hope you are all well!

Some of you know all about the following, but for the others....

     For literally years, I have been looking for a place to put original songs (and other recordings) for sale on the internet - without setting up a payment system on my own!
Kington's Don Norman put me onto Bandcamp.

     I now have a Bandcamp 'site' (along with thousands of other musicians in the world!
On my site, you can listen to the songs I put there, and buy a song at a  price of $1. You have the option to buy it for more, if you so choose!  You need to pay by PayPal.
     I have placed about 15 original songs there so far with more coming.   Most are co-written but several are 'all mine'.   In the future I expect to put them in 'albums', so you can buy an 'album'.
     btw....I know you're wondering.......Of the $1, I get about $0.60.

    All of the songs are recorded by working at home, (since around 1990)  in an Apple recording program called LOGIC.   Everything is 'virtual' - drums, bass, strings, etc etc etc,  except that I have some live guitar playing by Terry Hoffman  and Don Norman on some songs.  Please check out my friends on Bandcamp - Don Norman and Michael K. Myers. (Mike has just started....)

I'll be adding more songs, soon, as soon as I get together with ....hmmmm..some guitar player. - and keep my distance!
     I can put 'cover versions' on Bandcamp and as long as I don't sell a million copies, apparently nobody cares.   So....expect some cover versions. (with friends)

     Meanwhile, I am playing at a church service every Thursday morning!  ....with me, the minister, 1 choir member, and the videographer.   ...and we keep our distance.   I then edit the video at home, and lately put the video in LOGIC and add virtual drums and things, and then post the movie on Youtube.
If interested, you can search on Youtube 
'Christ United Church, Lyn.'   
     Interesting note: more people are watching the movie, than actually attend church

Adios Amigo and Amiga