Sunday, 9 December 2018


SATURDAY NIGHT.         Tim Hallman + Ben Dolansky


1 Got an old Chevy,  rusting through
Bank called, the mortgage is due
(I work) 5 days a week on this low-down job
Saturday night I'm ready to bop!

(can't wait for)
CH~Saturday night, it's my time for dancing
Saturday night, it's my time for romance,  and I
Take my Chevy to the neon lights
Got no troubles on Saturday night!

2 Saturday morning I get up late
No clock to punch
No boss to face
Take it easy
Pass the time
by Saturday night I'm ready to fly. (CHORUS)

   BR~Got no troubles on Saturday night!
   Money in my pocket
   Twinkle in my eye
   Drink a little whiskey
   Drink a little rye
   Saturday night I'm ready to fly!


3  Monday morning' comes soon enough
Back to coin' the same old stuff
5 more days to earn my pay
So Saturday night I can blow it away!

Another Saturday night

Friday, 9 November 2018

Friday Nov. 9 2018

H+H at RCL Merrickville @7
Tomorrow Saturday RCL Collin's Bay 1-5
Sunday RCL Mallorytown 1-4

Monday, 29 October 2018


some changes/additions to calendar.
Friday night  RCL Bell's Corners at 7 H+H

Sunday, 30 September 2018

coming soon Brockville 2018


A big thanks to all the dancers who showed up today in Gananoque!
It was a lot of fun and exercise for all concerned!

Sunday Nov. 18, 2018 1 pm to 5 pm
Tim Hallman and Terry Hoffman

Light Lunch and you pay only $10 pp
Doors are open for these events, everyone welcome

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Octoberfest 2018 The Barn

On October 13, 2018.  where  Hallman and Hoffman @6-9:30 pm 
There is some sort of fundraiser for a Rockport group
(seems humorous doesn't it - fundraising for Rockport :)
at 'The Barn', owned by Erich Prohaska (or family?) formerly involved in 
the Austrian Club and Boathouse Hotel in Rockport.   
You can read about it HERE.    or HERE.   or HERE
 It is officially an Octoberfest event and it should be  LARGE + FUN.
They are selling 90 tickets in advance and that will be 'it' if it rains.
Otherwise it is open to the masses, and will be indoors and outdoors.
Over several years, I have been collecting Octoberfest songs for such and event.
I have used a website that I stumbled onto.
Check it out - it's very bizarre and interesting - I've become FB friends with the guy!

Sunday, 2 September 2018

Last night 2018

H+H had a colossal night last night playing at the massive Mallorytown KOA Campground.
Of course, we normally play for the 'age challenged'. but this was straight families - 
many Quebecois, a German couple, Haitian Montrealers etc etc etc.   
We were urged by 'the boss' to play upbeat 70's music - so we disco'd them to was a different experience.   
Geez, I should have taken some pictures duh.

We were by the pool between the 2 buildings. 

Wednesday, 29 August 2018


Hallman and Hoffman 


@ Matt's Place RCL 631 Collin's Bay.   from 1-5pm

Tuesday, 21 August 2018


Friday night, I'm playing at 39 club Belleville, with Ed Thompson.  ETC

 playing swing music .

This is the only place the band ever plays! - 

It was the 39 Club’s idea to put together a ‘sort of’ BIG BAND'

Anyway a fair bit of swing and LATIN

The band is called ‘Hallman Swing’!

Sax - clarinet


Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Thursday night in Gananoque

 Please pardon my speech to text which is necessary this time.

On Thursday night I will be playing with a band called MARY JO in the Retros. This is MARY JO MAUR, myself, Cliff Trott on bass. James Trott trumpet, Suzanne Owen saxophone GARY BARRATT drums!   I think you would really enjoy it, honest! There is a lot of talent in that band. Earlier in the day, I am playing in a five piece band in front of Kings in City Hall. The band is called quintessential.  That’s quintessential with a Q. Suffice to say, there are several clarinets flute and saxophone plus a cello. All the reed players double or triple on something else. These are amazing amazing musicians
 It’s amazing you know, you have these clowns going around singing Johnny trash music and they're big heroes, meanwhile these reed players have spent years and years and years and years learning their craft play in obscurity.  Anyhow all this is happening Thursday. Thursday noon in front of Kingston City Hall at 12:30 to 130. Then with MARY JO Thursday night in Gananoque at the bandshell 6:30 PM.

The band and sound was great! - you should have been there!
I will say this. When the town hall construction is done it's going to be beautiful!
There was a heavy rainstorm the night before and the band shell was flooded with nowhere for the water to escape - it was interesting setting up in the dry areas.

Thursday, 26 July 2018

slight change

The trio is not playing on GBL, Saturday night as stated in the calendar.
It was a little misunderstanding. I shall enjoy the night off.

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Rib fest 2018

Just in case there’s any doubt, Spare Change the trio will be playing at Ribfest in Gananoque Saturday at 1 PM for an hour. Why would you go anywhere else?

Thursday, 14 June 2018


Not sure exactly what I've got myself into but I shall be performing at a Pavilion in the Delta Park 'demain' at 11:30. until ????   The event is....??????           (That would be Friday)
Hmmmm - not far from Whiskey Island.    Oh look - there's a little river there too!

Friday, 8 June 2018

This weekend June 8-9, 2018.

Tonight at RCL Merrickville 7pm (dinner before).
Saturday afternoon RCL Collin's Bay 1-5
Next weekend: Sunday afternoon: RCL Mallorytown @1-5 (+ supper after)

Thursday, 24 May 2018

@ the Colonial 2018

Doug and I will be at the Colonial Resort
May 31
June 5, 20, 28
8-9:45 or so
Hey! Look at the picture!
Let's all go for a free breakfast!

Schedule change

Doug Gravelle and I aka SPARE CHANGE will be on Gan Boat Lines 
Friday night sunset cruise on July 20 Not July 13 (2018)

Monday, 14 May 2018

My youtube channel ..........duh

For a number of years, going back to when Google bought Youtube,  I have had 2 Youtube 'channels' , or so I thought.  
However, I think I have figured this all out and the fact is I have ONE Youtube channel  at

If you then choose 'videos' or go to
you will see many videos I have posted over several years.
(not all about music)
I hope to post more and newer ones, soon.

I reckon it would be good if you 'subscribed' to my Youtube channel :)

JONES FALLS, MONDAY. on the W. side of the canal!

follow the Jones Falls Rd etc.  (off 15)  to the park.

Hey! I updated my calendar!

Hey! I updated my calendar!

Sunday, 15 April 2018

April 21. (18)

Terry and I are playing at a Cancer Research Fund Raiser 
Saturday night April 21 @7pm
to be held at the Gan Legion (big hall)
Also on the program is Gananoque's Colin Slack.
As I understand it, Colin is more 'listening music' and ours is 'dancing'.
Colin will start the evening and we should start around 8.
A light lunch will be available.
There will be other fund raising things at the event. Tickets are $20 per person.
I know that approx. 100 have been sold. 
There is no central place to get them except 'at the door.'
or: reserve/get one by phoning Nicole Tyo at 613-382-1038.
(and the same hall Sunday afternoon for the Legion dance!)
Hey! we don't have to move equipment!

Saturday, 24 March 2018

Sunday afternoon March 25/18

So... we're at it again Sunday afternoon April 22(18)

Just a reminder HALLMAN+HOFFMAN at Gan Legion Sunday 1-5.
We're looking forward to playing some our 'new' songs such as
If I Said You Had a Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me?
(our tribute to Donald Trump😀)

Friday, 23 March 2018

The weekend of March 24-25/18

Saturday night, Terry and I with Gary Barratt (of THE BOBBY SHOW fame)
will perform at the Gan Curling Club - essentially for a dance.  It's a curling club fundraiser with silent auction and other things. I just talked to Jane Curtis at the club and she assures me all are welcome. - no charge.     For you purists out there, I would have to say there is a 'smallish' dance floor and it will likely be somewhat crowded.   But....if you're looking for something to do...and help a good cause.....
Noise @ 7 :)

Friday, 16 March 2018

today March 16/18

Ii got my Irish periphinalia whatever ready to go.

1. Happy birthday sis
2. Busy day - about to take off for Sr. Home in Athens 1:30-2:30,  then on to Wedgewood Brockville 3:15-4:15,
then meeting Terry - taking off to Merrickville Legion   7:30 - whenever. (supper before)

tomorrow with Terry at Collin's Bay Legion 1-5

Hey!    next Sunday March 25/18 H+H at Gan Legion big hall 1-5. DANCE

Saturday, 17 February 2018

March 17, 2018.

Hallman + Hoffman
RCL 631 (lounge)
March 17 (2018) 1-5
RCL Mallorytown March 18/18 1-5

Also of note.
H+H will be at RCL Merrickville on March 16
not RCL Bell's Corners as previously stated.

Friday, 26 January 2018

Busy days January 26-27-28/2018

Doing the B S today i.e. The Bobby Show at Kingston Sr. Centre @1:30
on to the 39 Club at RCL 631 @ 7:30
 (photo Tim and Mike and Gary's body: Sandra Randall: missing Bob Arlidge)

Saturday: Hallman+Hoffman RCL 631 Lounge 1-5
Saturday night Firehall Theatre with Cliff Edwards etc. see poster

Sunday: church in Lyn
Firehall Theatre with Cliff Edwards etc. see poster

oh ya - rehearsal for saturday night on saturday morning. (after breakfast)


Thursday, 11 January 2018

January 21 at Mallorytown Legion 1-5. --- 2018

It turned out to be the trio with Doug!
update: what a great day!  - about 70 people - fun time!

Monday, 8 January 2018

Hallman and Hoffman and the 39 Club.

guarded by the Queen.

I'm happy to announce that Terry and I 
will be playing at Club 39 
almost once a month into the foreseeable future.
Here are the 2018 dates thus far: 
Jan 26, Feb 16, 
March nothing, 
April 13, May 4, June 1, July 20,