SATURDAY NIGHT. Tim Hallman + Ben Dolansky
1 Got an old Chevy, rusting through
Bank called, the mortgage is due
(I work) 5 days a week on this low-down job
Saturday night I'm ready to bop!
CH~Saturday night, it's my time for dancing
Saturday night, it's my time for romance, and I
Take my Chevy to the neon lights
Got no troubles on Saturday night!
2 Saturday morning I get up late
No clock to punch
No boss to face
Take it easy
Pass the time
by Saturday night I'm ready to fly. (CHORUS)
BR~Got no troubles on Saturday night!
Money in my pocket
Twinkle in my eye
Drink a little whiskey
Drink a little rye
Saturday night I'm ready to fly!
3 Monday morning' comes soon enough
Back to coin' the same old stuff
5 more days to earn my pay
So Saturday night I can blow it away!