Friday, 30 October 2020


A number of years ago I recorded a guitar player - singer named Orville Rumleski, who lives near Timmins. (long story) From July to now I've been slowly re-recording the instruments, and adding guitar by Mark Wilkins, Orville writes and sings country gospel music. My function in the whole process was to record him and be the instruments - like drums, bass, piano. In fact I was even a string orchestra and choir all by myself. So...if you're interested check him out at There's an album there called Rescue Me which I'm not involved in but the band in all the others is 'me'. Sometimes I'm even a background singer! (also at Bandcamp is thousands of others including Michael K. Myers, Don Norman and 'moi'.

Tomorrow and Sunday

I'm playing a grand piano in the centre of the 

Firehall Theatre, Gananoque 

main performance room, 

with artisans and their art surrounding me, 

tomorrow Oct.31/20 and Sunday Nov 1/20

from 12-3pm. each day

Be sure to come at the right time, Sunday!

I will be playing whatever mellow sounding schmoozing music that comes into my head.

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 -Wear a mask but leave the gun at home.