Sunday, 20 December 2015

Saturday night in Lyn, Dec.5.

It was, indeed Tim Hallman and friends - though not the ones I expected. (It's a good thing I have friends). Turns out: Mary Jo was virtually voiceless due too strep throat (Imagine MJ voiceless!)The day before the concert I phoned Michael Myers, and he signed on. So it was the band shown, minus Mj , ....+ MKM and Cliff Trott, the brother of the trumpeter in the poster! So, we rehearsed Saturday afternoon and then went and did the concert. The event was well attended, and $1500 was raised by the church when all was said and done!
This Saturday I'm 'leading' a Christmas Concert at Christ United Church, Lyn..............

A picture's worth 1000 words - Here's a picture.

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